Thursday, December 2, 2010

Urgent cares and no plane tickets?

And I haven't even left the country yet!!! Of course, this would not be a "Sheri-venture" without a little drama to get the ball rolling! I am hopping on a plane later today and am just about ready. Yesterday (well all week really) I'd been having trouble with my asthma. I was just dealing with it until yesterday it got pretty bad and I thought "hmmm... do I really want to have trouble breathing in India?" On second thought, let's go get it checked out (I know, I know, All my friends who constantly try to get me to go to the doctor are secretly cheering right now. The words of my friend Christina still ring in my ears from last November "Ok, so if you still can't breathe in two days you are going to the doctor then? Did you just hear yourself say that Sheri?!?!?!"). $80 later and armed with two inhalers and pills for a Steroid I headed home to go online and get some seats on the plane (you can only sign up for the seats within 24 hours of your flight). I was unable to log in so I called British Airways and was able to talk to the meanest lady on their staff. I'm not kidding, she answered the phone with "hello, how can I not help you, I want to be as difficult as possible eventhough you are freaking out about your ticket right now." Ok, well maybe not really :) Long story short, she tells me that the travel agent never booked my ticket. I have a reservation but not a ticket. What does this mean? IT means that when I go to the airport, I would have to buy another ticket!!!!! Awesome! I tried to call the travel agent but their customer service was closed for the night (darn living on the west coast and not EST!!!). I was able to speak to a n agent for "new travel" (hey, I was desperate here!). They gave me a ticket number so I called BA back and gave them the ticket #. They were able to find the ticket but for some reason I was booked in two classes (economy and business) and I would need to call my travel agent to have them fix it. I called the travel agent back but they couldn't help... my only option would be to call customer service in the morning. I headed to bed thinking "I am totally going to get stuck with the middle seat all the way to India because everyone else has already gotten their seats." I awoke this morning and spoke to a bright and cheerful woman named Sandy w/ my travel agent. She agreed to call BA and sort it all out and call me back within 15-20 minutes. She just called a moment ago (45 minutes later). I asked her how it was going and she said "really good but I am going to have to call you back again after I talk to a supervisor and a manager." Hmmmm.... what could that mean?!?!?! Really good implies that maybe I'll get lucky enough to get the seat in business class... however, talking to a manager could be a good or a bad thing. Keeping my fingers crossed!!!!! Maybe there will be a silver lining in all this! What a great story to start the trip with! :)

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh YAY!!!! Glad to hear that you are off and away mi amiga! Have a lovely time. I have put your blog in my favourites so I will be checking up regularly to see what you are up to. India is one of my favourite places and I really want to go back there, I hope that you have a very special experience
    muchos besos y abrazos
